Codependent Parent Won’t Leave Me Alone
Our mother was the one who neglected and abused us outright, but our father is the one proving to be a problem now. For so many years he kept us convinced that he was powerless and to be pitied...
View ArticleNPD and gift-giving: sort of what you want, but not quite
It’s one of the more amusing (after the fact, anyway) tenets of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that those who have it are notoriously terrible gift-givers. Gifts are really interesting things,...
View Articleasshole ruined my day
our dad is a major dickweed today. i fucking KNEW that hats should have just left it alone the last time, but no, she had to text him back trying to make sure he understood the therapy ultimatum. so i...
View Articlei believe christina crawford
Joan Crawford may have won an Academy Award but she is probably best known for the scathing depiction her daughter wrote in the 1978 book Mommie Dearest. My introduction to the story was through...
View ArticleChecklist Of Parental Qualities — Was Your Parent There For You?
The backlash of falling off the wagon is a mad scramble to get back on it. I have been trying to immerse myself in books about recovery today, and came across something I wanted to share here. It’s a...
View ArticleBut I Love My Abusive Parents
There are two sides to every coin. Even when we can recognize the damage done by other people it doesn’t negate the good moments. This is especially true for children, whose continued existence is at...
View Articledoing the right thing is sometimes the wrong thing?
People who have been following this blog for awhile will know that we cut off contact with our parents after a last attempt at honesty and reconciliation in the late summer of last year. We have since...
View Articleshut it down
I’ve been told by my therapist directly to not share anything more about DID with my sister. It’s not like I was talking about things freely, but I had started to open up about the others slightly. Now...
View Articlefinding the spark that triggered a spiral
I don’t like to write unless I am feeling stable. There’s a unique embarrassment that exists when looking over one’s past writings and seeing them as skewed and paranoid. I try to avoid it, because it...
View ArticleMy Sister the Borderline
First of all I want to reiterate that I believe (as do several books and my therapist) that borderline personality disorder is on a continuum with narcissism. The two can overlap, work hand-in-hand,...
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